Source code for humpack.wrappers

from typing import Any
from wrapt import ObjectProxy

	import numpy as np
except ImportError:
	print('WARNING: unable to import numpy')

from .packing import Packable, pack_member, unpack_member
from .transactions import Transactionable
from .basic_containers import adict, tset, tlist

[docs]class Packable_Array(Packable, use_cls=np.ndarray): ''' Wrapper to allow saving numpy arrays. Aside from being rather useful, this serves as an example for how to write a Packable wrapper. Note the necessary Packable methods are all static, and the use of "use_cls" in the class declaration. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def __create__(data): ''' Creates an empty np.array :param data: packed data :return: empty array with the correct size ''' shape, dtype = data['shape'], data['dtype'] return np.empty(shape, dtype)
[docs] @staticmethod def __pack__(obj): ''' Pack the np.array data. Note: that the information necessary for creating thet instance (shape, dtype) is not packed, but still valid json objects :param obj: instance of numpy.ndarray to be packed :return: packed data ''' data = {} data['shape'] = list(obj.shape) data['dtype'] = data['data'] = pack_member(obj.tolist()) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def __unpack__(obj, data): ''' Unpack the data and save the data to the created object :param obj: instance with empty data to populate with the unpacked data :param data: packed data :return: None ''' obj[:] = np.array(unpack_member(data['data']), dtype=data['dtype'])
# all wrapped objects must be able to be copied (shallow copy) using # note: Transactionable objects cant be wrapped
[docs]class ObjectWrapper(Transactionable, Packable, ObjectProxy): ''' Wrapper to transform an object to be transactionable. Note: wrapped object must be copyable (shallow copy using `.copy()`) WARNING: It is NOT recommended to use this wrapper, unless you need a transactionable features '''
[docs] def __init__(self, obj): super().__init__(obj) self._self_shadow = None self._self_children = tset()
[docs] def begin(self): if self.in_transaction(): return self.commit() self._self_shadow = self.copy() self._self_children.begin()
[docs] def in_transaction(self): return self._self_shadow is not None
[docs] def commit(self): if not self.in_transaction(): return self._self_shadow = None self._self_children.commit()
[docs] def abort(self): if not self.in_transaction(): return self.__wrapped__ = self._self_shadow self._self_shadow = None self._self_children.abort()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__wrapped__.__repr__()
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.__wrapped__.__str__()
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, Transactionable) and not key == '_self_children': self._self_children.add(value) return super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def __delattr__(self, item): value = self.__getattr__(item) if isinstance(value, Transactionable): self._self_children.remove(value) return super().__delattr__(item)
[docs] def __unpack__(self, data): obj = self.__build__(data) self.__init__(obj)
# must be overridden
[docs] def __pack__(self): # save everything from the internal state ''' Save all the necessary data from the internal state (and pack any subdata) :return: packed data ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __build__(self, data): ''' Recover the wrapped object in the correct state from data and return wrapped object :param data: packed data :return: wrapped object with the loaded state ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Array(ObjectWrapper): ''' This is an example of how to use the `ObjectWrapper`. Wraps numpy arrays. WARNING: it is NOT recommended to use this wrapper for numpy arrays (they are already registered). '''
[docs] def begin(self): super().begin() if == 'object': for el in self.flat: if isinstance(el, Transactionable): el.begin()
[docs] def commit(self): super().commit() if == 'object': for el in self.flat: if isinstance(el, Transactionable): el.commit()
[docs] def abort(self): super().abort() if == 'object': for el in self.flat: if isinstance(el, Transactionable): el.abort()
[docs] def __pack__(self): ''' Pack data to restore numpy array. :return: packed data ''' data = { 'dtype': pack_member(, 'data': pack_member(self.tolist()), 'shape': pack_member(self.shape), } return data
[docs] def __build__(self, data=None): ''' Restore state of numpy array by unpacking data :param data: packed data :return: restored state ''' return np.array(unpack_member(data['data']), dtype=unpack_member(data['dtype']))